Tuesday 11 February 2020

Brushing aside YB Chong’s pledge of land titles to villagers

Recently I have dis­missed Pakatan Hara­pan (PH) Sarawak’s chair­man, YB Chong Chieng Jen’s pledge to give a group of vil­lagers from Kampung Selangan Batu in Pending, land ti­tles if Pakatan Harapan (PH) wins in the next state elec­tion. I have called it “just an­other one of his prom­ises”.
Previously, YB Chong, who is also Demo­cratic Ac­tion Party (DAP) state chair­man, had made many prom­ises be­fore the last par­lia­men­tary elec­tion as well as in his speeches, but they were un­ful­filled.
Among YBA Chong’s pledges in his elec­tion man­i­festo were to in­crease the state’s oil roy­alty from five to 20 per cent and to re­turn to Sarawak 50 per cent of all tax col­lected in the state, both of which have not been re­alised even though PH has been in power in Putrajaya for two years.
Perhaps YB Chong had felt that some vot­ers were gullible and could be eas­ily swayed by prom­ises.
With the state elec­tion is com­ing, more prom­ises are com­ing from him. It is very easy to make prom­ises. That’s why I said, when it comes to dangling carrots to the vot­ers, YB Chong is an expert. I thank our media friends who have asked me this question during the sidelines of press conference on the official announcement of 1st Asian TAFISA Sports For All 2022 which was held at my office recently.

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