Saturday 15 February 2020

Kuching to host Spartan Race Sarawak on April 4 & 5

I am pleased to announce that this year’s #Spar­tan Race #Sarawak is to be held from April 4 to 5 at the Lead­er­ship In­sti­tute of Sarawak Civil Ser­vice at Se­meng­goh.It is the first of the Southeast Asia Re­gional Qual­i­fiers Series for the World Spar­tan Race.It is di­vided into Sprint (5km and 20 ob­sta­cles), Su­per (10km and 25 ob­sta­cles) and Spar­tan Trail (10km and 20km with no ob­sta­cles).The race is not only of­fer­ing at­trac­tive of­fi­cial Spar­tan fin­isher medal, fin­isher tee-shirt but also a to­tal prize money of RM23,400 for the podium fin­ish­ers.Most of the par­tic­i­pants are not go­ing for the money. They just love the fun, love to be dirty and en­joy the sat­is­fac­tion of beat­ing every­one else.I would like to urge the pub­lic to grab this op­por­tu­nity to rub shoul­ders with the great ath­letes and the world cham­pion. I am optimistic for this year’s Spar­tan Race Sarawak will at­tract 4,000 par­tic­i­pants from 23 coun­tries.The coun­tries are Aus­tralia, Brunei, Cam­bo­dia, China, Den­mark, France, Ger­many, Hong Kong, Hun­gary, In­dia, In­done­sia, Iran, Ja­pan, Malaysia, Mal­dives, the Philip­pines, Sin­ga­pore, Switzerland, Thai­land, UAE, UK, USA and Viet­nam.Although the or­gan­is­ers are con­fi­dent that the tar­get of 4,000 par­tic­i­pants can be reached, we will be happy if the num­ber hits 3,000 in view of the present sit­u­a­tion of the COVID.the re­stric­tion on China and Hong Kong rac­ers could be eased if the coro­n­avirus sit­u­a­tion im­proved in the next two or three weeks.Up to to­day, the or­gan­is­ers have man­aged to se­cure 1,950 reg­is­tered rac­ers and 568 of them are for­eign­ers.With that kind of re­sponse I am very sure that the or­gan­is­ers can hit 3,000 par­tic­i­pants and even 4,000 par­tic­i­pants.I am quite con­fi­dent look­ing at how efficient they are in their net­work­ing and ef­forts to pro­mote the event,” he said.Last year, the Spar­tan Race Sarawak was held in Oc­to­ber where there was about 3,000 par­tic­i­pants. It was a very well or­gan­ised and suc­cess­ful race and every­one was very, very happy.From the feed­back, every­one was say­ing said it was one of the best races. The race was claimed as the tough­est of all the Spar­tan races in Asia.Mean­while, 2019 world cham­pion Robert Kil­lian, a for­mer US Green Beret, has con­firmed his par­tic­i­pa­tion in Spar­tan Race Sarawak.Karim said the pres­ence of the Amer­i­can world cham­pion, who is rac­ing for the first time in Asia, would make this year’s edi­tion much more spe­cial.The Spar­tan Race Sarawak from April 4 to 5 at the Lead­er­ship In­sti­tute of Sarawak Civil Ser­vice at Se­meng­goh is the first of the Southeast Asia Re­gional Qual­i­fiers Series for the World Spar­tan Race.It is di­vided into Sprint (5km and 20 ob­sta­cles), Su­per (10km and 25 ob­sta­cles) and Spar­tan Trail (10km and 20km with no ob­sta­cles).The race is not only of­fer­ing at­trac­tive of­fi­cial Spar­tan fin­isher medal, fin­isher tee-shirt but also a to­tal prize money of RM23,400 for the podium fin­ish­ers.Most of the par­tic­i­pants are not go­ing for the money. They just love the fun, love to be dirty and en­joy the sat­is­fac­tion of beat­ing every­one else.I would like to urge the pub­lic to grab this op­por­tu­nity to rub shoul­ders with the great ath­letes and the world cham­pion.Sarawak Sports Cor­po­ra­tion is team­ing up with the Kuch­ing Fit­ness As­so­ci­a­tion and CrossFit Kuch­ing to run a series of Spar­tan Com­mu­nity work­outs to in­tro­duce the com­mu­nity lead­ing up to the April Spar­tan Race.

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