Wednesday 19 June 2024

A total of 486 from Asnaf group in Asajaya district who had received qurban meat in conjunction with Aidil Adha celebrations

 It is heartening to see that many of our less fortunate members of the society especially those from the Asnaf group had received their shares of the qurban meat distribution in conjunction with this year's Aidil Adha celebrations.

In Asajaya alone a total of 486 members from the Asnaf group had received the qurban meat from the 14 cows which were donated from individuals and well wishers for this year's sacrificial ritual in celebration of Aidil Adha. 

I was invited to grace the handing ceremony and distribution of meat to the Asnaf group which was held in Kampung Sebandi Ulu, Kampung Serpan Laut and Kampung Asajaya Ulu recently. There were 36 members of the Asnaf group in Kampung Sebandi Ulu who were involved in the meat distribution while there another 31 in Kampung Serpan Laut and 113 of them in Kampung Asajaya Laut.

I also thanked our media friends who had travelled all the way to Asajaya and provided news coverage on the distribution of meat to the Asnaf group members.

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