Wednesday 8 April 2020

Kudos to all NGOs and private companies which have supported our front liners

On behalf of #Sarawak State Disaster Management Committee #JPBNS I would like to thank the var­i­ous non-government or­gan­i­sa­tions #NGOs and private com­pa­nies that had come for­ward to present con­tri­bu­tions to the state government and lo­cal au­thor­i­ties.
Their con­tri­bu­tions came in the form of cash as well as per­sonal pro­tec­tive equip­ment (PPE).
Among the com­pa­nies, or­gan­i­sa­tions and NGOs that con­trib­uted cash do­na­tions for the state govern­ment to­talling RM10.9 mil­lion were Yayasan Sarawak, Weida Group of Com­pa­nies, Ca­haya Mata Sarawak Ber­had (CMS), Ta Ann Group of Com­pa­nies, Naim Group of Com­pa­nies, Solid Oil Palm Plan­ta­tions Sdn Bhd and Sarawak Cham­ber of Com­merce.
The lo­cal au­thor­i­ties that re­ceived the cash do­na­tions amount­ing to RM300,000 from Weida Group were Kuch­ing South City Coun­cil, Kuch­ing North City Com­mis­sion, Padawan Mu­nic­i­pal Coun­cil, Kota Sa­ma­ra­han Mu­nic­i­pal Coun­cil, Sibu Mu­nic­i­pal Coun­cil and Miri City Coun­cil.
Mean­while, Chec Con­struc­tion (Malaysia), which is a sub­sidiary of en­gi­neer­ing gi­ant China Har­bour En­gi­neer­ing Co Ltd, do­nated an as­sort­ment of PPE to JPBN to as­sist in fight­ing the Covid-19 pandemic. Among the PPE do­nated were 5,000 iso­la­tion gowns; 1,000 med­i­cal gog­gles; 50,000 face masks; and 1,000 sur­gi­cal gowns. Thank you so much for your generous contributions and donations which mean a lot to our front liners.

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