Sunday 12 April 2020

Decision on which sectors to operate during MCO to be decided later

The Sarawak gov­ern­ment would make its own de­ci­sion on which sec­tors could op­er­ate dur­ing the move­ment con­trol or­der (MCO) pe­riod after the State Disas­ter Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee #JPBNS studied the mat­ter. I have told our media friends that we have taken note of the de­ci­sion of the fed­eral gov­ern­ment, but Sarawak will need to study first and de­cide based on the state's needs. The decision on which sec­tors would most likely be al­lowed to op­er­ate dur­ing the MCO pe­riod would de­pends on feed­backs from the peo­ple. We do not have to fol­low the fed­eral gov­ern­ment's de­ci­sion 100 per cent on this. For ex­am­ple, the open­ing of bar­ber shops has been the talk of the town now, which per­son­ally I think should not be al­lowed to open for the time be­ing. But we will make the de­ci­sion that is suit­able for Sarawak. On that note, local con­trac­tors deal­ing with wa­ter and elec­tric­ity sup­plies could con­tinue to op­er­ate dur­ing the MCO pe­riod. The po­lice and the armed forces will al­low them to op­er­ate. There is a lot of interest on this matter after the Min­istry of In­ter­na­tional Trade and In­dus­try #Miti had recently announced that sec­tors al­lowed to op­er­ate durign MCO would in­clude bar­ber shops, reg­is­tered tra­di­tional medicine ser­vices, hard­ware shops, elec­tri­cal and elec­tronic shops, op­tometrist shops, and fullser­vice laun­dry shops. It’s Min­is­ter, YB Datuk Seri Mo­hamed Azmin Ali said com­pa­nies in the ad­di­tional sec­tors listed, could sub­mit their ap­pli­ca­tions to Miti be­gin­ning April 13, from 9am. He said all ap­pli­ca­tions must be made on­line via my and only ap­pli­ca­tions that were com­plete and ful­filled the con­di­tions would be pro­cessed. Be­sides ad­her­ing to the en­hanced terms and guide­lines, op­er­at­ing per­mits would also be sub­ject to com­pli­ance with the re­quire­ments set by the Min­istry of Health #MoH and guide­lines by other rel­e­vant en­force­ment agen­cies from time to time. Datuk Seri Azmin Ali also mentioned fail­ure to com­ply would re­sult in the im­me­di­ate re­vo­ca­tion of the op­er­at­ing per­mit, and le­gal ac­tion taken against them.

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