Thursday 27 June 2024

Echoing Sarawak's commitment towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) together with youths

Our government had fully supported the inaugural Rainforest Youth Summit 2024 (RAYS2024) which had marked Sarawak's efforts in leading a chorus of voices that foster a global network of young conservationists and develop actionable strategies for rainforest preservation. 

In the words of our Right Honourable Premier of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg, the global youth and their leaders should stand united on rainforest conservation and climate adaptation that will impact future generations of mankind.

Thus, Sarawak Government through its Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts (MTCP) and Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) had organised the inaugural Rainforest Youth Summit 2024 (RAYS2024) that serves as a good avenue to prepare future leaders for their crucial role in conservation that can secure a sustainable future for all. 

I was given the honour to grace the official launching ceremony of the 3-day summit at Hikmah Exchange & Exhibition Centre (HEEC) in Kuching recently and had delivered the keynote address on behalf of the Premier of Sarawak. 

With the theme “Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Future", we hope the summit will serve as a platform for the young folks to present their creative advocacies and initiatives, ensuring their voices are being heard and their creative ideas are given due attention.

I have met a lot of the participants after the launching ceremony and the majority of them had given their thumbs up to RAYS2024 which had encouraged them to enjoy international networking to foster global cooperation on environmental issues. 

To them, our joint initiatives had reflected the government's dedication to biodiversity conservation and balancing economic growth with environmental needs.

Great start to the inaugural Rainforest Youth Summit 2024 (RAYS2024)

The inaugural Rainforest Youth Summit 2024 (RAYS2024) had attracted a total of 1,000 participants representing 40 universities from 10 countries in ASEAN including host Sarawak, Malaysia.

It was a pleasure for me to have represented our Right Honourable Premier of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Abang Openg at the official launching ceremony for the event which serves as a significant milestone that emphasises Sarawak’s dedication to engaging youths in sustainability and conservation efforts.

The event is organised by Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) with the support from Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Sarawak (MTCP) and it aligns with the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to human life and climate action.

It was great for all of us to meet so many energetic young people who can play their critical role as agents of change, and they had achieved that in numerous successful youth-led initiatives making a positive impact on the environment.

Kudos to the organisers for having RAYS2024 that was designed to focus on youth engagement, aiming to familiarise them as future leaders with the responsibility of ensuring a sustainable future.

The summit that runs from 26 to 28 June can provide a good avenue for youths to showcase their creative advocacies and efforts, ensuring that their voices are heard and their ideas empowered.

There were 30 renowned speakers invited from the ASEAN region and also those from Fiji, Uganda, India, Mexico, and the United Kingdom.

Welcoming the meeting between Federal Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture (MOTAC) with our Premier of Sarawak

Recently during the press conference held at Hikmah Exchange Exhibition Centre (HEEC) in Kuching, I have shared with our media friends on the forthcoming meeting by the Federal Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) with our Right Honourable Premier of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg which among others to discuss the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme issue.


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Congratulations to AirAsia team for their 15th consecutive achievement as "World's Best Low-Cost Airline" from Skytrax

l have congratulated AirAsia team for their 15th consecutive achievement as the "World’s Best Low-Cost Airline" from Skytrax. We hope dynamic team at AirAsia will continue to prosper in Sarawak, providing job opportunities to our local folks and helping the business community here to grow too.

I also took the opportunity to congratulate the airlines' group deputy chief executive officer, Datuk Chester Voo during my speech the recent seminar on "Positioning Sarawak as a Key Tourism Hub in ASEAN" which was held recently at Grand Margherita Hotel Kuching.

We also look forward to working together with AirAsia and all stakeholders in the tourism industry in realising our mission and goals of making Sarawak among the top tourist destinations in this region. 

All round support to "Seminar on Positioning Sarawak as Key Tourism Hub in ASEAN"

Our Government through Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak (MTCP) had fully supported the organising of seminar on "Positioning Sarawak as Key Tourism Hub in ASEAN" which was timely and appropriate.

The one-day seminar was held in Kuching City and was organised by Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Sarawak in collaboration with AirAsia and Malaysia Transport Institute (Mitrans) of UiTM Shah Alam.

I was delighted to be invited as guest of honour and the seminar had featured expert speakers and panellists from diverse fields such as aviation, digital platforms, gastronomy, geoparks, community development, and education. 

I had also expressed our utmost hope for the seminar could provide a unique opportunity to explore fresh perspectives and strategies that can elevate Sarawak’s tourism appeal to the global audience.

As mentioned in my closing speech, the participation of experts from outside of Sarawak, as well as others in various fields of tourism will enable the participants to gain valuable insights into Sarawak’s potential as a prominent ASEAN.

I had mentioned in my speech that Sarawak is intensifying its efforts to achieve economic prosperity, social inclusivity, and a sustainable environment under the Post Covid-19 Development Strategy 2030 (PCDS 2030).

Such strategy had identified our tourism sector was identified as a key driver for Sarawak’s economic growth and it is aimed to make us another leading destination for eco-tourism and business events in the ASEAN region.

On another note, we are optimistic in surpassing its previous record of receiving 4.6 million visitors back in 2019...aiming to achieve a milestone of 5 million visitor's arrivals by the end of 2024.

With this wonderful goal in mind, we have been monitoring the number of visitors arriving from January to May this year as there is a lot of exciting events and activities happening in Sarawak.

I have never seen such an upsurge in visitors coming into Sarawak. The last time was in 2019 before Covid-19 pandemic broke out. These numbers are sourced from the Immigration Department.

This year, we may be having the biggest number of visitors. From the number of visitors, there are more foreigners that are coming into Sarawak than those from West Malaysia. By end of May, we’ve got more than 2 million visitors. I believe by December it should be almost or over five million visitors,” said Abdul Karim.

We also look forward to working together with AirAsia and all stakeholders in the tourism industry in realising our mission as rightly outlined by the seminar which had received encouraging response from the public. 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Sports development requires everyone to lend their support and investment

Recently I was asked to comment on the statement made by YB Hannah Yeoh, our Federal Minister of Youth and Sports who had urged all state governments to invest in the development of new talents to produce more swimmers and divers.

YB Hannah had also mentioned that, so far, only Sabah and Sarawak seem to have invested a lot in developing these two sports. I had opined that Malaysia's quest for a first Olympic gold medal will never be realised if all the state governments do not do their part in investing in the development of new sports talent.

This is because I believe that the responsibility for sports talent development should not be fully entrusted to our Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports alone. If everyone leaves it to the Ministry of Youth and Sports to produce good athletes, it will be impossible to achieve the Olympic gold medal.

I had fully supported YB Hannah's call because sporting excellence was a good way to boost the country's image at the international level. Sports talent development also needs to be done by state governments, be it in the Peninsula or Sabah and Sarawak, because this (international-level achievement) involves our country's pride.

At Sarawak's level, our Ministry of Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development (MYSED) is also considering establishing a centre of excellence for boxing in the Sri Aman division with the aim of producing pugilists to become future champions even at world-class level.

I have to admit that boxing is a favourite sports of our folks Sri Aman... that is why for the forthcoming Malaysia Games (Sukma) 2024, I have ensured boxing is held in Sri Aman because I know there are many boxing fans there.

A total of 486 from Asnaf group in Asajaya district who had received qurban meat in conjunction with Aidil Adha celebrations

 It is heartening to see that many of our less fortunate members of the society especially those from the Asnaf group had received their shares of the qurban meat distribution in conjunction with this year's Aidil Adha celebrations.

In Asajaya alone a total of 486 members from the Asnaf group had received the qurban meat from the 14 cows which were donated from individuals and well wishers for this year's sacrificial ritual in celebration of Aidil Adha. 

I was invited to grace the handing ceremony and distribution of meat to the Asnaf group which was held in Kampung Sebandi Ulu, Kampung Serpan Laut and Kampung Asajaya Ulu recently. There were 36 members of the Asnaf group in Kampung Sebandi Ulu who were involved in the meat distribution while there another 31 in Kampung Serpan Laut and 113 of them in Kampung Asajaya Laut.

I also thanked our media friends who had travelled all the way to Asajaya and provided news coverage on the distribution of meat to the Asnaf group members.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Celebrating this year's Aidil Adha on modest scale

We are truly blessed and are thankful to Allah SWT for all the blessings including the opportunity to celebrate this year's Hari Raya Aidil Adha with families and friends. In general, this year's celebration all over our state on a modest scale and I am grateful to have been invited to witness the handing over ceremonies of the qurban meat to the Asnaf group and less fortunate members of our society. 

Our thanks to Sarawak Islamic Council for having invited us to attend the recent "Majlis Kesyukuran Aidil Adha 2024" at the HIKMAH headquarters and the functiom was graced by our Head of State, Tuan Yang Terutama Tun Pehin Sri Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar who was accompanied by his wife, Toh Puan Fauziah Mohd Sanusi.

hasIslamic Council for having invited us to this morning’s “Majlis Kesyukuran Aidil Adha 2024” which was at HIKMAH headquarters in Petra Jaya, hashta
Also present was our Right Honourable Premier of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg and his wife, Puan Sri Datuk Amar Hajah Juma'ani Tun Tuanku Haji Bujang as well as local dignitaries.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Bench marking visit to Seoul, South Korea on 11 to 14 June 2024

I am delighted with the outcomes from our ongoing bench marking visit to several locations in South Korea including to a few renowned sports venues and facilities which had also inspired our delegation members.

But I have to thank our Ministry of Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development Sarawak (MYSED) for having invited me to join and to lead the delegation in this bench marking visit from 11 to 14 June. Also joining me in the 4-day visit are my two Deputy Ministers for Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development namely YB Dato Gerald Rentap Jabu and YB Datuk Dr Ripin Lamat. 

The Permanent Secretary to MYSED, Encik Morshidi Fredrik and the Secretary General to Sarawak's United National Youth Movement (SABERKAS), YB Encik Safiee Haji Ahmad are also among the delegation members.

Among the interesting locations which our delegation had visited are Korea Institute of Sports Science (KISS), Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO), Seoul Startup Hub, Seoul Sports Council and Seoul Metropolitan Government.

It was a pleasure to have met with Mr Song Kang Young, the President of Korea Institute of Sports Science who shared with us information and background on the organisation which serves as a comprehensive research platform leading the future of Korean sports. The institute is also an independent research organisation in sports development based on cutting edge science and technologies.

We also visited the famous Seoul World Cup Stadium and Gocheouk Skydome to see for ourselves the facilities there which are of high standards.     

Monday 10 June 2024

Giving our hands together to all volunteers for the forthcoming 21st Malaysia Games (SUKMA XXI)

I was delighted to have been invited to launch the recent Malaysia Games (Sukma) XXI “Volunteers Basic Course” which was held at Curtin University Malaysia campus in Miri. Kudos to Jabatan Belia & Sukan Sarawak (JBS) for having organised the course which was the first among 11 locations for the statewide programme held in conjunction with the forthcoming 21st edition of SUKMA to be held in Sarawak on 17 to 24 August. 

I was also informed by the organisers that after Miri, the course will continue in Bintulu (June 11-12), Mukah (June 15-16), Sibu (June 18-19) , Betong (June 22-23) , Sri Aman (June 25-26), and Serian-Samarahan (June 29-30). Four others sessions of the course will be held in Kuching on July 6-10 and 13-17.

We are pleased to have a total of 3,000 volunteers for this year’s SUKMA and they are from the civil service, students of tertiary learning institutions and members of the public. For this year’s SUKMA, there are 15,000 athletes, coaches, managers as well as their family members who are expected to be on our shores including for this year’s Para Sukma to be held on 22 to 28 September.

The volunteers are important to us because they will serve as guides and cheerleaders, providing physical and emotional support to athletes and officials from the various state contingents. 

Sunday 9 June 2024

Site visit to Sarawak Cultural Village, the home venue for the award winning Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF)

I had visited the Sarawak Cultural Village (SCV) in Pantai Damai, Santubong recently to see for myself on the upgrading works and preparations for the forthcoming annual Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) which is on 28 to 30 June. The concert venue has undergone some upgrading works so as to facilitate better hosting of prominent guests who will also include members of royal families.

The upgrading works had involved the construction of a two-tier seating space for distinguished guests, a separate waiting area for the technicians and performers, as well as new cubicles backstage.

This year's festival is entering it's 27th edition and the concert venue is being upgraded which include the VIP area that was previously confined to a small area but now it is more spacious, and we know that many VVIPs are coming this year.

It seems that the preparations are quite good, with facilities like toilets are all in place. We expect rhe upgrading works to finish in 10 days ahead of the festival. We are delighted that many people want to be a part of this year's festival as it has gained much recognition, both at national and international levels.

Our state and national leaders, even royalties, want to come here and be entertained. Besides that, the line-up of artistes and performances for this year seems very good. I thank all those who had accompanied me during the site visit who include Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) chairman Dato Dennis Ngau, STB chief executive officer Sharzede Salleh Askor, SCV general manager Jane Lian Labang and Hemisphere Corporation Sdn Bhd chief executive Mark Ferguson.