Sunday 28 April 2019

Abd Karim: No need for Chong to play politics

SIBU: There is no need for Pakatan Harapan (PH) Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen to play politics, and appeal to Sarawakian lawyers to reject the proposed draft of Legal Profession Bill 2019.

Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said Sarawakians were mature enough to know who were really fighting for their rights.

“I am disappointed with Chong for calling on the legal practitioners in Sarawak to reject this draft bill, which would wipe out another matter that belongs to Sarawak,” he said when contacted yesterday.

“As a minister in the federal Cabinet ,Chong does not have to play politics, and appeal to Sarawakian lawyers to reject this draft Bill.

“He can do it at the source. He can raise the matter and oppose it in the federal Cabinet as it infringes the rights of Sarawak instead of ‘playing to the gallery’ and trying to be seen as a hero in Sarawak by calling Sarawakian lawyers to oppose the draft Bill.

“Sarawakians are mature enough to know who really are fighting for their rights.

“Do not bark only when you are in the state but silent when in Parliament or in the Cabinet meetings.”

Abdul Karim, who is Asajaya assemblyman was responding to Chong’s call for legal practitioners in Sarawak to
reject the Legal Profession Bill 2019.

Chong also said he had clarified with the de -facto Law Minister Datuk Liew Vui Kiong, who confirmed that the now-viralled draft of the Legal Profession Bill was merely a draft proposed by the Bar Council for feedback amongst the stakeholders.

Chong said the draft had not obtained any endorsement of the PH government.

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