Wednesday 31 July 2024

Telling PKR not to jeopardise cooperation with unity govt

Our media friends had recently seek my comments on the issue of PKR and whether they should be contesting in Sarawak's coming state elections due in April 2027. I was also responding to the question from our media friends at the press conference held at our office. 

Personally, PKR should refrain from participating in the next state election that may jeopardise the ruling coalition's cooperation under the unity government. I have mentioned this because considering the past and recent elections, PKR has not managed to make significant inroads in Sarawak. 

Given our current unity government status, there is no point in challenging this balance. I have mentioned that PKR has struggled to gain a foothold in Sarawak, and so far only Democratic Action Party (DAP) has secured two seats in the past state elections. It's best for us to leave it as it is. 

At present, the Sarawak Legislative Assembly comprises of 82 seats, with only two held by the opposition, both from the DAP. PKR holds no seats in the assembly so it is best that it remains the same in future state elections. Disrupting this current situation is unnecessary. Just leave it as it is. You do it that way , we will reciprocate that way also.

PKR should not jeopardise the ruling coalition's cooperation under the unity government, by contesting in the state elections. This stance reflects a strategic choice to maintain stability and cooperation within the unity government, rather than pursuing uncertain electoral gains in Sarawak. 

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