Thursday 4 July 2024

Meeting Singapore's Minister of Manpower and Second Minister of Trade

It gave us great pleasure to have met His Honourable Mr Tan Seng Lee, Singapore's Minister of Manpower and Second Minister for Trade & Industry at his esteemed office recently.

Our heartfelt thanks to him for having spent time in receiving our courtesy visit which was also attended by YB Datuk Snowdan Lawan, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak (MTCP) and Datu Sherrina Hussaini, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry.

We spoke on many things of mutual interest and there are certainly areas for potential collaborations between our ministries which will bring positive impacts to both countries. As Sarawak's Minister of Youth, Sports & Entrepreneur Development (MYSED), I have mentioned programmes which had been organised over years that are aimed at our younger generation.

Capacity building is another important thing which must be thought for the future manpower to be ever ready in assuming their roles as nation builders who must be resilient and are able to tackle multitude of challenges face on. Our youthful manpower must be equipped with skills, knowledge and values necessary to contribute positively to their communities and nation at large.

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