Tuesday 23 June 2020

Sarawak is projecting 2 million visitors this year

 Sarawak is pro­ject­ing to re­ceive only two mil­lion tourists this year, less than half of last year’s fig­ure, be­cause of the im­pact of Covid-19 which had affected the global tourism industry including in Malaysia. The target for this year is sig­nif­i­cantly lower be­cause the coro­n­avirus out­break has forced Sarawak to close its doors to tourists for about three months.
Our tar­get last year was five mil­lion tourists. This year, I would be very happy if we had only two mil­lion tourists. Yesterday I have informed our Media friends about this af­ter at­tend­ing a dia­logue on the state tourism in­dus­try held at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) yes­ter­day.
I have also said tourist ar­rivals in Sarawak had dropped by 48.9 per cent in the first five months of this year, with losses suf­fered by the in­dus­try es­ti­mated at RM3 bil­lion. Ac­cord­ing to him, the in­dus­try is now fo­cus­ing on do­mes­tic tourism to set the sec­tor on the road to re­cov­ery.
We are not ex­pect­ing Sarawak to re­ceive so many for­eign tourists in the next six months. This was due to the fact that the bor­ders of many coun­tries were still closed and Sarawak would re­quire vis­i­tors to the state to un­dergo a 14-day quar­an­tine. The Min­istry of Tourism, Arts and Culture had also set aside RM1 mil­lion to in­tro­duce a Vis­i­tors In­cen­tive Pack­age (VIP) for the ben­e­fit of lo­cal Sarawak tour com­pa­nies, ef­fec­tive from July 1 to Dec 31 this year. The amount of in­cen­tives would de­pend on the num­ber of tourists who booked through the tour com­pa­nies and their length of stay in the state

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