Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Belanjawan 2014 belanjawan yang menyeluruh

KUCHING: Belanjawan 2014 yang dibentangkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada Jumaat lepas dilihat sebagai satu inti pati belanjawan yang menyeluruh dalam usaha menggerakkan pembangunan negara memandangkan semua sektor di negara ini menerima bahagian masing-masing.

Menteri Muda Perumahan merangkap Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah ketika ditemui berkata, belanjawan itu menjadi salah satu usaha kerajaan untuk membawa nama Malaysia ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.

“Melihat belanjawan yang baharu dibentangkan oleh Najib pada Jumaat lepas, saya dapat lihat ia sebagai satu belanjawan yang menyeluruh untuk mengembang serta membangunkan Malaysia ke peringkat lebih tinggi.

“Selain itu, saya turut bersyukur dengan pembentangan seimbang tersebut kerana setiap sektor di negara ini mendapat bahagian mereka sendiri,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, tidak ketinggalan buat Sarawak yang turut merasai peningkatan belanjawan daripada pelbagai aspek terutama di bawah aspek hartanah dan pemilikan perumahan.

“Kita di Sarawak turut merasai inti pati yang ditekankan dalam pembentangan belanjawan yang lepas sama ada dari segi penyukatan tanah-tanah adat mahupun naik taraf keperluan yang lain.

“Seperti yang kita semua sedia maklum, peruntukan sebanyak RM50 juta telah diperuntukkan bagi tanah-tanah adat tersebut selain tiga lapangan terbang akan dinaik taraf iaitu di Mukah, Sibu dan Miri,” katanya.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Abdul Karim: Building affordable houses will stabilise prices

October 27, 2013

SIBU: The building of 223,000 affordable housing units by the government and private sector next year will help to stabilise the prices of house in the market, enabling more people to own a house.

Assistant Housing Minister Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, in giving this positive outlook yesterday, opined that this is BN’s commitment to provide one million affordable homes in five years as pledged in its election manifesto.

“More affordable homes are also in the pipeline for 2014 and with more of such houses by the government and private sectors through its mandatory CSR initiative, it is hoped that more people are able to own a house.

“Generally, it is a good budget. After the general election, it is time to come up with a budget that is friendly and progressive and able to catapult Malaysia to greater heights,” Abdul Karim, who is also Assistant Minister of Youth Development as well as Asajaya assemblyman told thesundaypost.

On the new initiative introduced for foreign ownership of landed property whereby only properties that are priced one million and above could be owned by foreigners, this would reduce speculation and demand for lower price range properties thus makes them available easier for locals, he observed.

This is especially so in Johore, Penang and KL where presently, many apartment units are snapped up by foreigners due to them competing with locals for purchase of units ranging from RM500,000 to one million.

This in some ways had escalated the price of properties especially in cities like JB, KL and Penang.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

2014 Budget provides new economic platform

“Overall, the Budget is to intensify development without increasing the burden of the people in nation-building." -Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah

KUCHING: Malaysia is on a new economy platform with the tabling of the RM264.2 billion 2014 Budget, themed “Strengthening Economic Resilience, Transformation and Implement Empowering Promise”, by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in the Parliament, yesterday.

To face global political and economic uncertainties, Najib, who is also Finance Minister, said the 2014 Budget highlighted five thrusts, namely, invigorating economic activity, strengthening fiscal management, inculcating excellence in human capital, intensifying urban and rural development, and ensuring the well-being of the people.

New Sarawak Tribune yesterday contacted several federal and state ministers and State Assemblymen for their comments on the 2014 Budget, and all of them gave the thumbs up to the budget.

Deputy Home Minister Datuk Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said that in the last lapse of Vision 2020 by which time the country would achieve a developed nation status. 

“The eight thrusts to achieve this through development and enhancement of the development of all the Development corridors throughout the country through infrastructure development.”

“Every aspect of service sector is given emphasis in the infrastructure development and this will enhance the tourism and shipping industries,” he said.

Junaidi said the focus on the development of the agriculture industry from all aspects, from the ground to the table, would ensure food security and non-reliance on import. 

Lihat pelaksanaan GST dari sudut positif

KUCHING: Lihat pelak­sanaan Cukai Barang dan Perkhidmatan (GST) dari sudut positif dan bukan semata-mata hendak mem­bantah.

Menteri Muda Perumahan Datuk Abdul Karim Rah­man Hamzah berkata, orang ramai akan lebih berhemah dalam berbelanja terutama ketika memilih barangan atau perkhidmatan bersifat kehendak dan keperluan.

“Saya percaya rakyat se­lepas satu ketika pelak­sanaan GST akan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan kaedah percukaian baharu yang diperkenalkan kerajaan pada tahun 2015 kelak,” katanya ketika dihubungi susulan pembentangan Bajet 2014 semalam.

Abdul Karim berkata, pelaksanaan GST juga pada peringkat permulaan tid­ak membabitkan beberapa barangan dan perkhidmatan yang digunakan oleh keban­yakan orang.

Katanya, sudah tiba masa bagi Malaysia memperkenal­kan GST apabila kebanyakan negara di dunia termasuk yang maju telah lama melak­sanakannya.

“Ia bukan satu perkara baharu, malah ia telah cuba diperkenalkan kerajaan kira-kira 10 tahun sebelum ini.

“Ini adalah cara yang dikenal pasti kerajaan dapat mening­katkan keberkesanan sistem percukaian,” katanya.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Galeri: Anjung Masjid portal

October 24, 2013

GOING CYBER … Chief Minister Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud (third right) launching the ‘Anjung Masjid’ portal, witnessed by (from left) Datuk Haji Daud Abdul Rahman, Datuk Amar Abang Haji Johari Tun Openg, Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah and Datu Putit Matzen (right). PHOTO: RAMIDI SUBARI

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Karim doesn't want Sarawak only seen as relevant during election and left behind after that

We don’t want to be seen relevant only for the elections and be left behind after that. - Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah

SIBU: Local BN leaders are banking on hope that Sarawak will be given a bigger share of the pie in the forthcoming Budget 2014 to speed up infrastructure development in rural areas.

PRS vice president Datuk Mong Dagang for one said yesterday a bigger allocation would go a long way not only towards strengthening infrastructure facilities and connectivity in rural areas but improving and providing clean water supply as well as electricity connection to longhouses in these places.

“Of particular importance is upgrading of schools, which in many cases are in dilapidated conditions. Of course, all of us expect substantial amount to be allocated for upgrading of the Pan Borneo Trunk Road,” said Mong, who is Agriculture (Research and Marketing) Assistant Minister and Bukit Begunan assemblyman.

He was asked if the state would be given bigger allocation in the national budget given its sterling performance in the recent general election.

PBB supreme council member Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said Sarawak being a big state and with much basic infrastructure still not in place yet, expressed fervent hope that the Prime Minister and Federal Government could expedite development in these areas.

He added this was more so as the rural areas of Sarawak had been instrumental in the very existence of the BN government in Malaysia and must not be overlooked.

The state, he pointed out, still lagged behind in so many quarters.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Ibadah korban semarak semangat gotong-royong

KOTA SAMARAHAN: Ibadah korban bukan sahaja dilihat dapat menyemarakkan amalan bersedekah, malah memupuk semangat gotong-royong di kalangan masyarakat Islam di negeri ini.

Menteri Muda Pembangun Belia (Bandar) Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah berkata, ibadah korban dapat menyatukan penduduk kampung menerusi kerjasama yang dijalankan semasa melakukan penyembelihan dan melapah daging korban.

“Kerjasama masyarakat Islam dalam membantu memudahkan ibadah korban secara tidak langsung mengukuhkan silaturahim sesama kita,” ujarnya ketika berucap pada Majlis Ibadah Korban di Sekolah Rendah Kampung Melayu di sini, semalam.

Seramai 68 orang menerima daging korban pada majlis tersebut yang turut dihadiri Guru Besar Ismail Ibrahim, Penghulu Kampung Melayu Sabu Keria dan Ketua Kaum Kampung Bangka Semong Latip Tadis.

Pada masa sama, Karim berkata, sumbangan daripada individu yang berkemampuan dapat menyemarakkan lagi ibadah korban yang dilaksanakan sempena Hari Raya Aidiladha setiap tahun.

Beliau yang juga Menteri Muda Perumahan berkata, setiap tahun jumlah mereka yang menghulurkan sumbangan dari segi wang ringgit dan lembu untuk menjayakan ibadah korban semakin meningkat.

Menurutnya, peningkatan itu menunjukkan bahawa ekonomi masyarakat semakin berada di paras yang baik.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Karim: Individual donations to festival very encouraging

ASAJAYA: The increasing number of individuals who donated cows to be slaughtered during the ‘Hari Raya Aidil Adha’ celebration so that the meat could be distributed to needy families shows that people in the state are getting more prosperous. 

Minister of Housing and Youth Development, Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said contributions from individuals to the success of festive activities have been quite encouraging year after year.

“Things related to charitable activities during the festival are required in Islam, even if it is not compulsory for those who can afford to do so,” he said.

Speaking during the meat distribution programme at the compounds of Asajaya District Office here on Tuesday afternoon, Karim said that the contributions from individuals capable of performing ‘korban’ had been quite substantial.

“This programme also fuels the spirit of collaboration in the Muslim community,” said the Asajaya Assemblyman, adding that Muslims in this country should be grateful that they able to celebrate the occasion in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. 

“Some other countries are not able to celebrate the festival under a peaceful and happy atmosphere due to turbulence and so on,” said Karim, urging the Muslim community to maintain the peace and harmony that have existed here for a very long time. 

This year, 40 head of cattle were sacrificed in the Asajaya constituency to be distributed to more than 1,000 people from 10 villages.

Ulah DAP nya dikena ngiri pemenchi rayat ngagai perintah: Abdul Karim

SIBU: Ulah DAP ngenyemakka diri enggau peranak menua pesisir nengah surat berita sebengkah chara dikena mechahka penyerakup bansa sereta ngiri pemenchi rayat ngagai perintah ba kubu kuat Barisan Nasional (BN).

Kaban Kaunsil Tinggi PBB Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah madah, pekara tu sigi bisi nyadi laban parti ke asal ari kandang mengeri nadai kala dipeda beberapa taun ke udah deka ngetanka penyerakup tang rindu agi ngiri pemenchi sereta mechahka kaul bansa.

Abdul Karim, ke mega Menteri Muda Pemansang Raban Nembiak enggau ADUN Asajaya, madah munyi nya nyaut riput DAP Sarawak udah bejalaika pengawa bekimpin ngayanka diri nengah surat berita dalam Jaku Malaysia nyadung penerang enggau polisi politik parti nya ngagai rayat ti diau di menua pesisir.

Chairman DAP Sarawak, Chong Chieng Jen nitihka riput madah, ulah ke baka nya sebengkah ari kimpin ‘Impian Sarawak’ enggau Kimpin DAP NeresaMenua Pesisir.

“Aku enda nemu pasal surat berita tu dikena nyadung penerang tauka polisi politik enggau rama tauka dikena ngerachun runding rayat sereta mechahka penyerakup bansa.

“Asai aku niat parti tu (DAP) lebih berat agi ngagai naburka pemenchi antara diri sama diri enggau perintah…Iya ke ditemu aku ngelama tu DAP nadai kala ngetanka penyerakup bansa tang berat agi ngemeranka ulah mechahka penyerakup bansa enggau ngiri pemenchi ngagai perintah,” ku Abdul Karim.

Kelimpah ari nya mega, Sapit Sekretari Besai SPDP Paul Igai pechaya rayat menua pesisir udah tuai runding bekaul enggau pelin parti penyakal nya.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

DAP’s move could be attempt to sow hatred — Abdul Karim

October 16, 2013

SIBU: The move by DAP to reach out to the rural populace using newsletter may be an attempt to sow the seeds of discord among the people and stir hatred against the government in BN strongholds.

PBB supreme council member Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah yesterday believed this could be so as the urban-based party had never been seen over the years to foster harmony, but more towards disunity and hatred.

Abdul Karim, who is Assistant Minister of Youth Development and Asajaya assemblyman, was reacting to the news report that Sarawak DAP had come up with a newsletter in Bahasa Malaysia to disseminate political and social-related information to rural folk.

Its chairman Chong Chieng Jen reportedly said the effort was part of their ‘Impian Sarawak’ and ‘DAP Go Rural’ campaigns.

“I am unsure of whether the newsletter is to disseminate political and social information or disseminate hatred and disunity among the races.

“I would tend to believe that DAP’s intention is to create hatred among the races and the government … my reason being I have not seen DAP through the years making effort to foster harmony but more toward fostering disunity and hatred,” Abdul Karim said.

Meanwhile, SPDP deputy secretary-general Paul Igai expressed confidence that the rural populace were matured enough to see through the opposition’s plan.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Abdul Karim enda tekenyit DAP muka pampang di Pakan

KUCHING: Seiku pemesai Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah madah, iya enda tekenyit enti Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) muka pampang parti nya di Pakan enti sitak nya enda dijaga enggau manah.

Iya madah, DAP deka angkat tauka enda di Pakan bepanggai ba injin komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) dia empu.

“Enti wakil rayat BN ke diatu nyaga sitak Pakan enggau manah, iya tetap deka nyadi kubu kuat BN…Tang enti agi bisi penyarut dalam BN empu tauka sitak nya enda dijaga enggau manah, aku enda tekenyit enti DAP deka angkat ba sitak nya,” ku Menteri Muda Pemansang Nembiak nya madah nengah pesan jaku pandak (SMS), ensanus.

Kaban Kunsil Nengeri (ADUN) Asajaya nya ditanya bekaul enggau penemu DAP ke deka muka komiti protem di Pakan, alai chairman parti (DAP) nengeri Chong Chieng Jen madah, parti nya deka betangkup enggau ADUN Pakan ke diatu, Tan Sri William Mawan Ikom dia ila.

Chong, ti mega Kaban Parlimen (MP) Bandar Kuching enggau Kaban Kunsil Nengeri (ADUN) Kota Sentosa madah, naka ke diatu bisi 55 iku kaban komiti protem nya, lalu nambah pampang DAP Pakan deka dibuka, udah parti nya bulih pemendar ari Opis Pengerejister Gerempung (ROS) enda lama agi.

Abdul Karim madah, Pakan kubu kuat BN, lalu kerusi nya tetap tegap tang bepanggai ba injin komponen BN ba sitak nya empu kelimpah ari sitak nya patut dijaga enggau manah.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Abdul Karim: Public against politicising fuel price increase

October 1, 2013

KUCHING: The lacklustre response to the ‘Walk Against 20 Sen Petrol Price Hike’ here last Saturday is not because Sarawakians are not concerned about the matter.

Assistant Minister of Social Development (Youth) Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, who said this, reasoned that the failure of the demonstration was because the public did not agree with certain Opposition leaders politicising the issue.

“I fully believe that everyone is concerned with the price hike, whether they support Barisan Nasional (BN) or the Opposition.

“The failure of the demonstration is not because the public is not concerned, but more because the public do not agree with Opposition parties and leaders politicising the matter,” he said when contacted yesterday.

An Internet news portal, in a recent report, had suggested that the poor response was because Sarawakians supported the 20 sen price hike for RON95 petrol and diesel, which took effect early this month.

Based on previous news reports, the demonstration organisers had expected more than 200 people to show up for the peaceful walk, which started from Wisma Hopoh area to Padang Merdeka.

However, only about 30 people marched under the scorching heat and carrying banners demanding lower petrol price. They also voiced their dissatisfaction over the effects of the fuel price hike on rural Sarawakians.