Monday 20 May 2024

Saying no to the proposed "Orang Utan Diplomacy" initiatives

I have expressed my personal opinion on the proposed "Orang Utan Diplomacy" initiatives and disagreed with the idea of Malaysia giving these primates as "gifts" to palm oil trading countries. It is not right thing to do because these primates are better off in their natural habitat.

I have mentioned these to our media friends and if it is true that we want to have that kind of diplomacy by giving away our orang utan, which is a protected animal in Sarawak, it might not be a very good move.

We don't need to give the orang utan as gifts. We can always showcase how we look after our orang utan and how we make sure that their habitat is not destroyed by plantations and the right habitat for the orang utan is in Borneo Island.

If you give them away, it's not good. The best place for these animals is their natural habitat, not in zoos or cages...Sarawak is doing fine in orang utan conservation and the primates is a protected species under Sarawak's Wildlife Protection Ordinance. There are an estimated 2,000 orang utans in Sarawak’s wild and 11,000 in Sabah which had shown their well being is in good hands.

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