Sunday 19 May 2024

A wonderful record breaking feat for Sarawakians

Together we did it and set a new record in the Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR) as having the "most participants in ethnic attire in a choreographed dance performance". The record breaking feat was achieved over the weekend at Kuching Waterfront and kudos to both Kuching North City Hall (DBKU) together with Rotary Club of Kuching for having organised the wonderful event. 

It was also attended by our Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg, Premier of Sarawak who joined the estimated crowd of 1,275 people in doing the "poco-poco" dance performance in an attempt to set a new record in the MBOR.

Those who attended the event was clad in beautiful and mesmerising traditional attire of various ethnic groups in Sarawak. They were simply impressive in the mass dance performance to the popular Iban song ‘Bekikis Bulu Betis’.

Our premier also commended the organisers for the momentous event which will also create mutual respect and understanding among Sarawakians. It is indeed an honour for Kuching, Sarawak to have organised this event particularly when the participants had wore the various ethnic dress reflecting various ethnic groups in Sarawak.

He added that although we were wearing different dresses, but we are still in one big family because that is Sarawak culture. Our esteemed premier also likened Sarawakians to our famous "Kek Lapis" (layered cake), a beloved delicacy in Sarawak. Though it (kek lapis) is layered but it is one cake. Though we have a lot of races, we are one. That is Sarawak. 

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