Tuesday, 26 May 2020

YB Willie Mongin tetap lawan GPS diperingkat negeri

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada rakan #Media kita dari #SarawakVoice kerana sudi mendapatkan komentar saya mengenai kedudukan Ahli Parlimen bagi Puncak Borneo, YB Willie Mongin yang masih dianggap lawan Gabungan Parti Sarawak #GPS walaupun merupakan rakan dalam kerajaan Perikatan Nasional #PN .
Ini adalah kerana beliau adalah ahli Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) dan pihak #GPS adalah mesra #PN di peringkat pusat apabila ia menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) bersama parti-parti lain termasuk Bersatu untuk menubuhkan kerajaan campuran pusat PN.
Tetapi di peringkat Sarawak, kerajaan #GPS tidak pernah menandatangani apa-apa MoU bersama mana-mana parti dari #Malaya untuk bekerjasama. Justeru, Willie Mongin adalah kawan di pusat tapi lawan di peringkat negeri. Saya turut menjelaskan senario ini bukan asing di Sarawak.
Pernah satu ketika dahulu Parti Bansa #Dayak Sarawak #PBDS yang diketuai oleh Tan Sri Dr Leo Moggie ketika itu adalah bersama kerajaan pusat tetapi di peringkat negeri mereka adalah pembangkang.
Bagaimanapun, keadaan mungkin boleh berubah dan ia bergantung sama ada Willie masih kekal dalam parti dari Malaya atau bersama dengan parti komponen GPS, yang memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan Sarawak. Apa-apa boleh berlaku dalam politik…hari ini Willie mungkin bukan bersama di negeri, mungkin suatu hari nanti keadaan boleh berubah.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Patuhilah perintah pihak berkuasa demi keselamatan diri dan keluarga

Baru baru ini saya teleh memberi peringatan kepada mana mana individu dalam siasatan #PUI kes #Covid-19 yang menggunakan gelang tangan pengesanan supaya tidak menanggalkannya serta mematuhi arahan ditetapkan terutama berkaitan proses kuarantin.
Saya turut menegaskan bahawa penggunaan ‘tag tangan’ itu amat penting kerana ia adalah satu daripada kaedah untuk mengawal penularan Covid-19. Justeru, adalah menjadi satu kesalahan di bawah akta kawalan wabak ini dan boleh dihukum menanggalkannya sebelum tamat tempoh kuarantin.
Harapan kita adalah bagi mereka yang dikehendaki memakai tag ini dapat menggunakannya sehingga tamat tempoh penggunaan kerana ianya adalah untuk keselamatan dan kebaikan semua.
Terima kasih diucapkan kepada rakan #Media dari #SarawakVoice kerana sudi menemuramah saya untuk mengulas mengenai tindakan seorang lelaki yang menyerah diri di Balai Polis #Sibu Jaya pada 25 Mei lalu selepas menyedari dirinya dicari kerana melanggar arahan kuarantin di rumah.
Harus kita ingat bahawa si pemakai gelang tangan ini bukanlah penjenayah yang perlu dipantau secara ketat dan ianya hanyalah untuk membantu pihak kerajaan dalam memutuskan rantaian penularan virus #Covid-19. Orang ramai pun harus memainkan peranan untuk menegur mana mana pemakai gelang tangan QR kod yang berada diluar kawasan rumah agar mereka tidak berkeliaran ditempat yang dibenarkan selama tempoh kuarantin.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Sektor pelancongan dijangka akan bangkit semula

Saya telah menyuarakan pendapat dan keyakinan terhadap kebangkitan sektor pelancongan di negeri #Sarawak selepas Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat #PKPB berakhir 12 Jun ini. 
Terima kasih diucapkan kepada rakan rakan #Media yang sudi menemuramah saya mengenai perkara ini dan kita mesti bersikap positif serta yakin bahawa Kerajaan #Sarawak akan dapat mengembalikan sektor pelancongan ke atas landasan yang sewajarnya.
Apa yang penting ialah kita perlu menghidupkan kembali sektor ini dan menggerakkan industri #budaya dan #kesenian ke tahap sama seperti sebelum #PKP kerana pada amnya sektor #pelancongan di seluruh dunia terpukul teruk penularan virus #Covid-19. Ancaman pandemik Covid-19 turut melumpuhkan sektor penerbangan dan perhotelan diseluruh dunia.
Oleh itu, Kementerian Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan negeri #Sarawak ada membincangkan strategi untuk menggerakkan sektor pelancongan dan sukan.
Untuk rekod, #Sarawak sebelum ini telah menyasarkan 5 juta pelancong ke negeri ini pada tahun ini, tetapi ancaman pandemik menjejaskan sasaran berkenaan. Saya tak sabar lagi untuk melihat kedua-dua sektor itu dihidupkan kembali sebaik-baik sahaja PKPB ditarik balik. Kini kita masih mengadakan dialog dengan semua agensi di bawah kementerian bagaimana untuk bergerak ke hadapan sehingga tahun depan.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Cracks in PKR is obvious and is only to be expected

Thank you to our media friends from Dayak Daily which sought my comments on the crack within Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) in Sarawak which is only to be expected. Being the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) vice-president, I believe Sarawakians will reject the party, as it is West Malaysian, they’re having no business to be in Sarawak.
It is expected and PKR will become a mosquito party when the veterans and those instrumental in developing the party leave the party or get sacked. I have pointed this out when asked about the resignation of PKR Stampin and Mas Gading branch committee members today.
I have also stressed that whatever happens to the party will not affect Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) or other component parties because we are a united front and Sarawak will always come first.
We were told that Mas Gading branch and deputy branch chairman, Boniface Willy Tumek and Francis Teron Kadap, cited that among their reasons for leaving was that the key provision in the party constitution meant to promote the principle of justice was ignored. Instead, according to them the overriding objective of the PKR struggle was to propel the party president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to become prime minister. The Stampin branch also said that among their reasons for leaving were that Sarawak autonomy within the Malaysia Agreement 1963 was never taken care of, but instead focused on Anwar’s personal ambition to become prime minister.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Only hotels not used as quarantine stations allowed to reopen

Today I have officially announced that only hotels in Sarawak whose status as quarantine stations for Person Under Surveillance (PUS) for #Covid19 are allowed to reopen for business after their position have been revoked.

Those hotels which have been gazetted as quarantine stations are also not allowed to check in new guests unless their status is revoked by way of the necessary gazette notification.

This has to be clearly stated after our State Disaster Management Committee #SDMC had recently announced that hotels were allowed to reopen for business in line with its decision to permit almost all sectors of the economy to resume under the Conditional Movement Control Order #CMCO.
For hotels that are permitted to resume business, their management must ensure appropriate Standard Operating Procedure #SoP must be well in placed such as social distancing between guests and provide hand sanitiser.
All hotel employees and their guests are also required to use appropriate masks at all time as part of the strict compliance with all safety and health directives and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) set by the health authorities.

While the hotels' restuarants and cafeteria are allowed to operate from 7 am to 10 pm but the services are only for take aways, deliveries, room service and ala carte dine-in subject to the requirements of social distancing particularly in the seating arrangements. No buffet meals are strictly not allowed.

The hotels' common facilities such as the gymnasiums, swimming pools, prayer rooms, sauna, spa, business centres, conference halls and meetings are still not allowed to be used. Another requirement is that for the hotels' guests to remain in their respective rooms and gatherings or assembly are not allowed during their stay there.

The hotels' management are also required to report to the Health Department if any of their staff member or guests whom they have come to know to have been infected with #Covid19. The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Sarawak has prepared the Frequently Asked Questions #FAQs which is available at their official website https: mtac.sarawak.gov.my

Saturday, 9 May 2020

#BKSS 3.0 once again reflect caring nature of Sarawak Government

Once again we have shown that our State Government being helmed by Gabungan Parti #Sarawak #GPS is a responsible one with the Rakyat's welfare and wellbeing always close to the hearts of our leaders. The Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 3.0 #BKSS that was recently announced by His Right Honourable Chief Minister is the special aid package that reflected the caring nature of our state government.

#BKSS 3.0 is also special because it included assistance and aid for frontliners that was not present in the first two BKSS packages and this time it covered those who were ‘left out’ earlier such as ‘perahu tambang’ operators, tourist and park guides, bachelors above 21 years old, and even journalists who are working on the field, among others. 

Our state government is sensitive to the plight of the various segments of society as well as being willing to hear and feel the pulse of its citizens, and make amendments where necessary. The people must understand a responsible government is a government that ‘listens’ to its people. I hope these measures will lessen the financial burden of our people and also for the local business communities who are in need to recover and regain their momentum in uplifting their livelihood. 

We are thankful for the RM300 million aid pacakge announced by YAB Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Abang Openg that comprised of 7 measures involving more special allowances, incentives and grants for our local folks. 

For the record, the overall #BKSS 2020 which was announced by our State goverment had involved a total sum of RM2.55 billion that is aimed to lessen the financial burden of the people with the first aid package that was announced on April 10 was valued at RM1.15 billion while the second one was valued at RM1.1 billion that was announced on April 30.

Friday, 8 May 2020

A helping hand to our local tourist guides & national park guides

We thank the Sarawak Government for allocating a sum of RM387,00 which involves special grants to registered local tour guides and national park guides who were affected by the cancellation of visits  by local and domestic tourists as well as the drop in demand for their sergives in the coming months.

The financial assistance is the sixth measure in the Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 3.0 #BKSS which was announced by our Right Honourable Chief Minister earlier this afternoon. We are deeply touched by the kind gesture by the State Government in giving a helping hand to our local tourist guides and national park guides especially when jobs are hard to come by due to the #Covid19 pandemic.

The State Government is fully aware many of the guides are badly affected by the turn of events lately and each of our 145 registered guides will be given a one-off RM1,500 cash assistance that is aimed to lessen theie financial burden. 

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Optimism for Sarawak’s tourism industry will rebound within one and a half years

I thank our media friends for asking my views on the future of Sarawak's tourism industry which is expected to be a rebound within one and half years time. I have voiced this optimism based on the various tourist attractions which Sarawak has in abundance particularly in aspects of Culture, Adventure, Nature, Food and Festival (CANFF). 

We must note that Malaysia is among the countries that has been recording an increase recovery rate of Covid19 patients and most importantly the number of positive cases is declining. Thus, I am confident that the road to recovery for our tourism sector is in sight and that the Movement Control Order (MCO) is expected to be lifted soon.

I also believe that by re-strategising our local tourism industry and with help from Sarawak government, the industry would be able to return to its glory days within the expected time frame. I strongly believe with the kind of products that we have like our greens, our rivers, our cultures, and with the right support from the government, I think maybe a year and a half we would be able to restore our tourism sector. Together with the people of Sarawak, we welcome the announcement on the formation of Sarawak Economic Action Council (SEAC) by our Right Honourable Chief Minister. 

The formation of the council is timely because through it, we might see our state tourism industry to bounce back much earlier if the strategising of the industry works with the much needed cooperation from all industry players. As mentioned by the Chief Minister, Sarawak will anchor on two core principles namely digital economy and environmental sustainability. 

The principles also consist of 10 propositions which include Beyond Leisure Tourism which affects our tourism industry. As such, we will be discussing with our industry players on this matter. We have to be optimistic and I am quite confident even though the State government might feel it will take a little bit longer for us to kick off but with the right events, programmes that we will introduce later, and with all the support from those in transportation, airlines, hotels...I believe we can take off much earlier. We have to build confidence and we have to work together with local tourism players such as the tourism promoters, hotels on how we can entice them (visitors) to come over here.