Monday, 30 April 2012

‘FAM dera rakyat Sarawak’

April 30, 2012

KUCHING: Keputusan Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) mendenda Persatuan Bola Sepak Sarawak (FAS) dilihat sebagai satu tindakan yang tidak akan membawa sebarang kebaikan kepada sukan bola sepak negara.

Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia, Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah menyifatkan tindakan Jawatankuasa Disiplin FAM yang mengenakan denda hampir RM80,000 ke atas FAS selain memaksa Sarawak bermain tanpa penyokong di gelanggang sendiri umpama ‘mendera’ rakyat negeri ini.

“Saya kurang pasti sama ada Jawatakuasa Disiplin FAM ada melihat rakaman tentang apa yang berlaku atau hanya mendengar daripada sebelah pihak sahaja.

“Keputusan FAM kejam, tidak membantu memajukan sukan, satu deraan dan penghinaan kepada rakyat Sarawak,” demikian menurut beliau kepada Utusan Borneo di sini, semalam.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas tentang tindakan FAM yang mendenda FAS sebanyak dua kali dengan jumlah dendaan yang mencecah RM75,500 selain terpaksa bermain dalam stadium kosong tanpa penyokong untuk empat perlawanan yanga akan datang di gelanggang sendiri.

Menurut Karim, FAS harus mengkaji sedalam-dalamnya perkara tersebut, sama ada Sarawak wajar terus melibatkan diri dalam liga anjuran FAM ataupun meningkatkan prestij Liga Borneo melibatkan Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei, Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar), Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) dan Labuan.

“Lebih baik kita menarik diri sahaja daripada dipermainkan oleh mereka yang tidak menghormati kita,” tegas beliau.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Only 500 at Bersih 3.0 in Kuching

April 29, 2012

"In the state elections last year, they won more seats and they said it is because the people in the state wanted change. But in seats they lost, they accused EC of not being transparent, BN buying votes, phantom voters and so on." Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah

KUCHING: Only about 500 people showed up for the Bersih 3.0 rally at the Old Courthouse here yesterday, despite the organisers claiming they could attract supporters numbering thousands.

The two-hour sit-in protest started with a one-kilometre walk from Hilton Hotel and concluded peacefully at 4pm in front of the Old Courthouse facing the Kuching Waterfront.

Bersih 3.0 is calling for electoral reforms ahead of the upcoming 13th general election.

Some of the civil movement’s demands include cleaning up of electoral roll, reforming postal votes, use of indelible ink, free and fair access to mainstream media, and stopping corruption.

Among those present were state DAP secretary and Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen, state PKR chairman Baru Bian, state PKR vice chief See Chee How, state DAP vice chairman Chiew Chin Sing, state DAP treasurer Violet Yong and national PKR women vice chief Voon Shiak Ni.

Assistant Youth Minister Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, when asked for his comments on the Bersih 3.0 rally in Kuching, said it showed there was lukewarm response to the rally masterminded by the opposition.

He compared the rally to the programmes officiated at by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in Kuching which attracted crowds of more than 10,000 though it was held on the same day as the Bersih 3.0 rally.

Friday, 20 April 2012

BERSIH 3.0: Police says no permit while Karim says it is to incite hatred against the BN government

April 20, 2012

“Bersih rally is in fact an opposition gathering in the pretext of carrying out NGO causes." Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah

KUCHING: It appears that the Bersih 3.0 rally to be held at Kuching Waterfront and the old Courthouse here on April 28 does not have a police permit.

Deputy Kuching police chief, Supt Pauzi Bujang, said they had not received any information in regards to the holding of Bersih 3.0 rally here from anyone.

“I did not know anything about it,” he said when asked if a permit for the gathering had been approved by the police.

Bersih 3.0 rally is said to be the continuation of Bersih 2.0 in response to only one of their (organisers) seven proposals b ei ng entertaine d by t he Parliamentary Select committee – the use of indelible ink in election process.

Other proposal not entertained are: reviewing the electoral roll; reformation of postal votes; 21-day campaigning period ; enhancing publicinsti tutions ; eradicating corruption and eradicating gutter politics.

At the national level, Bersih 3.0 rally will be held at Dataran Merdeka on April 18, which the organisers believe would be attended by about 500,000 people.

State PKR vice-chairman See Chee How yesterday insisted that the state-level Bersih 3.0 would be held on April 28, starting 2pm, at the Kuching Waterfrontand old Courthouse.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Karim: PBB sudah kenal pasti tiga calon untuk Barisan Nasional

ASAJAYA: Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) sudah mengenal pasti tiga individu untuk disenarai pendek sebagai calon Barisan Nasional (BN) bagi kerusi Parlimen Kota Samarahan pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU13) nanti.

Ahli Majlis Tertinggi PBB Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah mendedahkan, salah seorang daripada tiga individu terbabit wanita yang merupakan anak tempatan di kawasan itu.

Jelasnya, ketiga-tiga nama individu berkenaan akan diserahkan kepada pemimpin tertinggi BN dinilai sebelum salah seorang daripada mereka dipilih untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya dijangka tidak lama lagi.

“Untuk Parlimen Kota Samarahan tiga nama termasuk seorang wanita telah disenarai pendek dan saya rasa tidak akan menghadapi masalah sekiranya seorang daripada mereka dipilih, yang lain saya percaya mereka akan terus memberi sokongan,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas mengenai nama-nama individu dari kawasan itu yang akan disenaraikan untuk diserahkan kepada pemimpin tertinggi BN bagi dipilih sebagai calon dalam PRU13 kelak.

Bagaimanapun Karim enggan mendedahkan nama-nama individu tersebut tetapi beliau yakin calon yang akan bertanding untuk mempertahankan kerusi tersebut adalah seorang anak tempatan.

“Saya rasa kali ini seorang anak tempatan akan bertanding (bagi Parlimen Kota Samarahan)… itu saya rasalah,” tambahnya.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Penduduk Kampung Empila bakal miliki sekolah rendah baharu

KOTA SAMARAHAN: Penduduk Kampung Empila, Samarahan bakal memiliki sekolah rendah baharu dalam masa terdekat ini.

Perkara itu diumumkan oleh Menteri Muda Perumahan Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah yang turut memberitahu bahawa tapak untuk pembinaan sekolah baharu berkenaan sudah dikenal pasti dan perancangannya sudah diserahkan kepada Kementerian Pelajaran.

Namun, jelasnya ia masih lagi menunggu kelulusan daripada kementerian berkaitan dalam masa terdekat ini.

“Kampung Empila amat beruntung sekali kerana di Sarawak kita hanya mempunyai tiga sekolah amanah di mana satu daripadanya terletak di kampung ini.

“Malah, kita (kerajaan) juga telah merancang untuk membina sekolah rendah baharu di sini bagi memenuhi permintaan ekoran pertambahan jumlah penduduknya dan kita juga sudah mengenal pasti tapak untuk sekolah baharu itu,” katanya yang juga ADUN Asajaya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada majlis penutupan Program Jom Berambeh Kampung Empila di sini semalam.

Program dua hari yang bermula 14 April itu turut menyediakan pelbagai aktiviti menarik seperti pertandingan tarik tali, bola sepak menggunakan buah kelapa, baling buah kelapa dan banyak lagi.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

House applicant to unit available ratio is 8:1 in Sarawak

Midin Salad
By Yu Ji

“Demand far outstrips supply. At a public housing in Matang (close to Kuching), there are currently 2,512 applicants vying for just 311 units. That’s an applicant-units-available ratio of 8:1. Providing enough affordable housing is a monumental task with demands that are ever growing.” - Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah

Voting patterns will again be split between urban and rural areas, perhaps more so than ever before.

AFFORDABILITY is such an unattractive word.

It neither rolls off the tongue nor is the word usually part of daily conversation.

The word means cost in relation to whether you and I are able to pay for things. In conversation, affordability is usually used to imply low cost.

Affordability will be an underlying theme in the coming months, chief of all during the campaigns in the general election.

This will be a period when politicians promise to make affordability greater among more of us; a time when we will hear much promises on bridging the gap between rural and urban affordability.

Decision long made: A farmer putting up Barisan Nasional party flags at his farm house
in Kampung Gedong, Serian, about 90km from Kuching in this file pic. Where you live
is a good indication of which side you vote for. For rural voters like this farmer, there
is less risk in the old and tested.

In Sarawak, there is a gap, make no mistake, it is a large one in fact. The affordability gap is also closer than you might like to think.

Drive, say, 30 minutes outside of any urban centre, and low affordability is a fact of life easily observed.

Sure, in the heart of Kuching city, affor- dability might seem generally quite high. Here, there are about 700,000 people, making up hundreds of thousands of households.

At present, each household in the state capital has an average combined income of above RM6,000.

But there are a total of 2.5 million people in Sarawak. The rural-urban ratio is esti- mated at 50:50 presently, which means there are about 1.25 million people in rural areas.

It is at these areas where Sarawak’s poor still largely remain.

By the year 2020, the rural-urban ratio would stand at 40:60, best estimates show.

Urbanites would make up the majority in Sarawak.

Ensuring there is enough affordable housing in urban centres will be the Government’s greatest challenge (alongside job creation).

Earlier this month at a gathering of real estate developers, Assistant Housing Minister Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah had this to say in relation to affordable housing.

“Demand far outstrips supply. At a public housing in Matang (close to Kuching), there are currently 2,512 applicants vying for just 311 units. That’s an applicant-units-available ratio of 8:1. Providing enough affordable housing is a monumental task with demands that are ever growing.”

Under state rules, public housing is capped at about RM60,000.

Given the high demand, it should be very apparent that affordability for a great many is much lower than we — you and I, consumers of this newspaper, avid Twitter and Facebook users, iPhone enthusiasts and latte drinkers — would like to assume.

In Sarawak, affordability between the have and have-nots is vast and widening. In fact, where you live reflects your level of income. A postcode gives away your income levels.

About 70% of Sarawakians are from households that have a combined income of under RM6,000. Out of this group, 40% have household incomes under RM1,500.

In the general election, the people’s affordability will determine voting patterns. Again, voting patterns will be split between urban and rural areas, perhaps more so than ever before.

Where you live is a good indication of which side you vote for. For those with higher affordability, they are more likely to take a chance.

It is much easier to vote for change when it entails lesser risk to your already comfortable lifestyle.

But for those with low affordability — who are far-flung and with fewer opportunities — their voting patterns will likely remain conservative.

So while some might be swayed by matters like Bersih 3.0, for the many others tightly constrained by affordability, BR1M has had much more relevance.

The campaign will be on affordability, and it has actually began a long time ago.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

PBB Zon Tengah sambut baik seruan Karim agar Pemuda PBB lebih agresif

SIBU: Pergerakan Pemuda Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Zon Tengah Sarawak menyambut baik seruan bekas Ketua Pemuda PBB Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, agar Pemuda PBB bertindak lebih agresif dalam membantu parti dan Barisan Nasional (BN) pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU13).

Ketua Pemuda PBB Cawangan Pelawan Mohd Junaidi Sambang berkata, barisan Pemuda PBB sudah agresif dari sudut menangkis dakwaan yang dilemparkan oleh pihak pembangkang sama ada secara terang-terangan ataupun melalui alam siber.

“Cuma kita agak terkilan suara peringkat Pemuda kurang mendapat pengiktirafan di peringkat atasan.

“Saranan tersebut memang bagus dan molek untuk Pemuda peringkat ranting dan cawangan untuk bergerak, tapi peringkat atasan pun mesti memainkan peranan yang besar, banyak bekerja dan jangan hanya pandai bercakap,” ujarnya kepada Utusan Borneo, semalam.

Menurut Junaidi, beliau juga agak terkilan bila tiba sahaja musim pilihan raya dan perhimpunan parti, barulah pihak atasan sibuk berhubung dengan Pemuda cawangan dan ranting serta meng-anjurkan pelbagai program.

“Sesiapapun boleh bercakap itu ini tanpa sebarang tindakan, yang kemudiannya tidak akan memberi erti atau manfaat kepada semua pihak.

“Yang penting adalah mencari resolusi bagaimana kita hendak mendekati rakyat di peringkat akar umbi serta memastikan sokongan tidak berbelah bagi dan terus bersama kita, ini yang penting,” katanya.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Karim told PBB Youth to be more vocal and aggressive

KUCHING: The Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB)’s Youth movement have been told to be more vocal and aggressive to help the party and Barisan Nasional win big in the coming general election.

Rousing them was supreme council member Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, who on Sunday night said it was not late for the PBB Youth to go all out in cyberspace to reach out to voters.

“The cyberspace is still our weak area. But we cannot continue to be steps behind our opponents. We should be putting in more effort in the ‘cyber war’ because the young people are often on the Internet and that is where we can get close to them.

“In this ‘battle’, the members of our Youth movement must not be afraid, and they must be ready to face off with PKR and DAP though they may seem to be more aggressive in their approach,” he said at the PBB Youth Chief Football Challenge Trophy prize presentation.

Believing the election could be called anytime soon, he reminded PBB Youth movement of the big role to play to ensure victory for the party and BN.

“I believe the election could be within the next two to three months. Even the prime minister said the election is near. We must know our roles, come the battle in the election. This coming election will be very tough because we not only want a win, but to win in a big way especially in PBB seats,” said the Youth Development Assistant Minister.

Also present was PBB Youth chief Datuk Fadillah Yusof who is the incumbent MP for Petra Jaya.

Pemuda PBB perlu lebih agresif hadapi pilihanraya - Karim

Harus berani depani pelbagai cabaran lebih-lebih lagi guna ruang siber untuk dekati pengundi

KUCHING: Pergerakan Pemuda Parti Pesaka Bumi-putera Bersatu (PBB) perlu bertindak lebih agresif membantu jentera parti dan Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PR13U).

Ahli Majlis Tertinggi PBB Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah berkata, Pemuda PBB harus berani mendepani pelbagai cabaran lebih-lebih lagi menggunakan ruang siber untuk mendekati para pengundi.

“Kita perlu akui penggunaan ruang siber masih lemah dan kita tidak harus menoleh ke belakang untuk berdepan dengan musuh kita.

“Justeru, kita perlu melaku-kan usaha yang lebih drastik dengan menggunakan ‘perang siber’ kerana golongan muda ternyata cenderung menggunakan Internet dan ini membolehkan kita dapat mendekati mereka,” katanya berucap pada majlis penyampaian hadiah Kejohanan Bola Sepak Piala Ketua Pemuda PBB Negeri di sini malam Ahad lalu.

Abdul Karim menarik perhatian bahawa dalam ‘perang siber’, ahli-ahli pergerakan Pemuda tidak perlu takut dan mereka harus bersedia untuk menghadapi cabaran pihak pembangkang.

Beliau yang juga Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Menteri Muda Belia berkata, pembangkang seperti PKR dan DAP mungkin agak agresif dalam pendekatan mereka justeru kita (PBB) harus lebih agresif.

“Saya percaya Pilihan Raya Umum mungkin dalam tempoh terdekat, justeru kita mesti tahu peranan kita dalam menghadapi pilihan raya itu nanti.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Developers encouraged to adopt Green Building Index

April 1, 2012

ENJOYING THE SHOW: Karim (third right) watching a stage performance by young violinist Nisa Addina during Sheda annual dinner. Also seen (from right) are Housing Assistant Minister Datuk Francis Harden Hollis, dinner organising chairman Dr Christopher Ngui and Zaidi.
KUCHING: The government encourages more developers to respond positively to the call in adopting Green Building Index (GBI), which focuses on energy efficiency, indoor environment quality, sustainable site planning and management, material and resources efficiency and design innovation.

“The GBI elements in residential planning involve long term energy savings.

“While certain green methods or technology can be a bit more costly to adopt, in the long term it can be worth it for developers in terms of energy savings, sustainable development and better corporate image.

“It is advisable for big projects to consider this,” said Assistant Housing Minister Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.

He pointed out that there is a need for a paradigm shift in housing planning in terms of living environment and design, as buyers nowadays are wiser and more selective in their buying decision.

“It is important to maintain reputation as developers who can provide quality design, attractive pricing, excellent workmanship and good amenities.

“Telecommunications is another must-have technology in a housing area nowadays.