Sunday, 23 March 2025

Our tourism industry is back and thriving to new heights

My special thanks to our veteran journalist and well-known political writer, Toman Mamora who had written a wonderful article on Sarawak's tourism industry which had bounced back from the Covid-19 era and now thriving to new heights.

The news article was published in the Borneo Post, a well-known newspaper in Sarawak and Sabah. The article was titled "Yes Minister! Our tourism is bouncing back! Essentially it paid tribute to the hard work and joint efforts that were put in by our Sarawak and Malaysia Governments the past few years in getting the tourism industry back on track. 

Our visitors' arrival the past few years after Covid-19 era had increased steadily with over 4 million people having visited Sarawak with the tourism receipts had surpassed the RM10 billion mark. This year, our Right Honourable Premier of Sarawak had confidently set a target of 5 million visitors in 2025 and his confidence had stemmed from the aggressive marketing and promotion activities undertaken by Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Sarawak (MTCP) through its agency, Sarawak Tourism Board (STB). 

The ongoing campaign on "Visit Malaysia Malaysia 2026" (VMY2026) is also another feel good factor in wooing more visitors to our country while at the same time leveraging on the exposure given to our country especially overseas. 

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