Sarawak government will not adopt the Federal government’s new guidelines for foreign artistes who are keen to perform locally because we already have our own set of guidelines for concerts.
But, of course, we do not want to see foreign artistes performing naked on stage. There are certain rules that they have to follow, but we have to be flexible. I have mentioned to our media friends on past occasion where two foreign artistes who took part in last year’s Rainforest World Music Festival in Sarawak would not have been allowed to perform in other states because of their attire and performance. There will be no way for them to get a permit if they were to perform in Kuala Lumpur, but we had allowed it. Such situation had reflected the independence or autonomy that we have here in Sarawak, we can make our own decisions.”
I was interviewed by our media friends on the concerns raised stakeholders in the entertainment industry on impacts of the new guidelines for concerts which will come into effect in 2024. It prohibits foreign artistes from holding large concerts and live performances on the eve of Islamic public holidays and on the holiday itself.
The prohibition also covers the entire month of Ramadan, Awal Muharram, Maulidur Rasul, Israk Mikraj, Nisfu Sya’ban, Nuzul Quran, Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Hari Raya Aidiladha. Male foreign artistes are also prohibited from cross-dressing as women, and both male and female foreign acts are strictly not allowed from removing any clothing during their performance.