Friday 11 June 2021

Virtual experience of Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) on June 18 to 20

Backed by popular demand, this year’s Rain­for­est World Mu­sic Fes­ti­val (RWMF) will be held vir­tually so that the general public can still enjoy and seemingly ex­pe­ri­ence the event Online from June 18 to 20. The event will fea­tur­e a ret­ro­spec­tive of past per­for­mances and new pre-recorded ses­sions with our local talents who include Alena Mu­rang, Ke­mada, Sang Rawi, At Adau, Tuku Kame, Suk Binie’, Nad­ing Rhap­sody, and Mathew Ngau. They will per­forming in be­tween flash­backs of favourite mu­si­cal acts from pre­vi­ous years.

Despite facing the ongoing challenges and restrictions due to Covid-19 pandemic, it is still im­por­tant for us to continue re­mem­bering and cherish the fond memories of Sarawak's world-famed Rain­for­est World Mu­sic Fes­ti­val. Thus, the RWMF 2021 is aimed to provide a good vir­tual ex­pe­ri­ence for those who are miss­ing the ex­cite­ment of going to our an­nual international music festival and perhaps to build up their an­tic­i­pa­tion for the coming future events.

For the virtual RWMF 2021’s theme, it is called ‘En­tranced, Lib­er­ated, Im­mersed’ that aims to cap­ture the spirit of the RWMF as a whole, and we look for­ward to better days after the pandemic.

Those who are interested can reg­is­ter online and they will be el­i­gi­ble for give­aways held dur­ing the on­line stream­ing, with prizes such as RWMF 2022 tick­ets, dis­counts to se­lect ho­tels, and RWMF mer­chan­dise up for grabs.

The organisers have arranged for limited and qual­ified viewers with goodie bags whereby they have to like the of­fi­cial RWMF page; post a photo or video of them­selves at pre­vi­ous RWMFs or watch­ing the vir­tual ex­pe­ri­ence; in­clude #rwm­f2021vir­tual or tag the RWMF of­fi­cial Face­book page; and share the post on their own Face­book page.

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