Friday 7 August 2020

Mere promises made by PKR Sarawak

Recently I have dis­missed the pledges made by Parti Kead­i­lan Rakyat ( PKR) Sarawak for the next state elec­tion which seems to be a ploy to fish for votes. Last Tues­day, PKR Sarawak made 10 pledges to Sarawakians it would ful­fill if it were to win the next state elec­tion.PKR Sarawak in­for­ma­tion chief Abun Sui Anyit said in a state­ment his party will fight cor­rup­tion and ini­ti­ate govern­ment re­forms if it were given the man­date by Sarawakians.I have pointed out most of the PKR pledges have al­ready been im­ple­mented by our state govern­ment and the of­fers made by the opposition are mere prom­ises and that the vot­ers have heard such pledges from the op­po­si­tion be­fore when the state elec­tion was near.

They (PKR Sarawak) seems to be run­ning out of ideas on how to get the sup­port from lo­cal folks and it is amus­ing for their can­di­dates to of­fer things that have al­ready been im­ple­mented by the state govern­ment for a very long time.

I have also said what the lo­cal com­mu­nity needs is to fa­mil­iarise them­selves with new norms based on stan­dard op­er­at­ing pro­ce­dures im­posed by State Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee. I am con­fi­dent that the peo­ple of. Sarawak will not be eas­ily de­ceived by the of­fers made by PKR Sarawak which are re­dun­dant.

They ( PKR Sarawak) may have for­got­ten that many of the prom­ises made dur­ing the last Gen­eral Elec­tion have not been ful­filled and some were never im­ple­mented even when they were in power the past two years,. Among the other pledges were de­fend­ing Na­tive Cus­tom­ary Rights ( NCR) land, pro­vid­ing clean wa­ter sup­ply and elec­tric­ity sup­ply to all ar­eas in the state, im­prove trans­porta­tion and hous­ing, build safe roads, pro­vid­ing qual­ity ed­u­ca­tion and em­ploy­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties for the youth.

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